Reflections On Leadership
"The key to leadership is influence, not power" - Kenneth H. Blanchard
All Of The Above
Throughout my college career, I have learned about leadership from different organizations, programs, and people. From each of these experiences, I have learned that leadership has no specific shape or form. Some people may lead by example, while others lead in silence. No matter what form it is in, there is one common item that is present in every leadership style, desire. Leaders must have the drive to want to be a catalyst for the change or impact they want to see in their work, relationships, and the world. Leaders must also have the self-awareness to know their strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly. Being a leader does not necessarily mean that you always know the next step, but it means that you have a growth mindset to commit to putting work into figuring it out.
Overall, leadership is not a cookie-cutter thing. To me, leadership is a mindset to push through challenges for both you and the people around you to work towards both tangible and intangible goals.